Wednesday 16 May 2007

Sunday 31st December 2006

12.02am: And so it is the last day of 2006 and what an eventful and peculiar year it has been!

Blood transfusion went well on Wednesday. Mum and I went to Primark on Thursday to buy some new clothes as all my trousers are too big. It was a v weird experience. People are quite shocked by the amount of weight I've lost (I've gone down 2 dress sizes) but when I look in the mirror I still see the Pip from before. I was looking at jeans thinking 'They'll never fit me...they're far too small' and then they fit perfectly. Really odd, but rather good. Hope I continue to lose and not gain weight.

Chemo went well on Friday but I felt really sick in the evening and was v glad that I'd been given some anti-nausea tablets to bring home. Felt really tired this morning. Stayed in bed til 12 and when I got up discovered that I had my first period for 2 months. Had a shower (using Philosophy toiletries because I have virtually no itching now...BLISS, BLISS, BLISS) and even managed to shave the amazon that had become my armpits!

Laura, Gaby and Rachel arrived about 2pm. Rachel and Ian got engaged on Christmas Day so a lot of the talk was about wedding plans. It was so wonderful to see them all and to be up and dressed and easily mobile...felt like me again.

Have to go back to hospital on Friday...just a 15 minute appointment for a blood test and dressing change and then I'm hoping to drive back to Brighton on Sat and stay til Thurs. Really hope I's been SO long and I really miss Lauren and Ross, plus I've got a real craving for a walk by the sea since our stay at the hotel. Fingers crossed...

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