Tuesday 3 April 2007

Tuesday 5th December 2006

6.47am: Forgot to mention yday that I had another chest X-Ray. My PICC line is flushing (i.e. they can put things into me, like the antibiotics) but they can't drawback (i.e. they can't withdraw blood from me). It's not a prob at mo with antibios, but will be problematic if it doesn't drawback when I start Chemo. So, they did an X-Ray to check PICC line is in right position within vien. Will hopefully receive results of that today, together with 100% diagnosis. Wonder what will have to be done if PICC line's in wrong place? They might have to pull it out and start again. Eeeugh!

Apparently they haven't heard back from UCH yet about whether or not I should have this stem cell collection procedure or not. Prof. Smith seems to think if not, they can start Chemo in few days time. However, have learnt my lesson of expecting results back quickly and so have prepared myself for long wait. Then, if it is short, everything's a bonus.

Had quite a bad night. Prof has prescribed me 300mg of Gabapentane (or something) to take before I sleep to (hopefully) stop me scratching - even in my sleep. Unfortunately, cough returned with vengeance last night, causing me to bring up loads of phlegm again - and I think I also brought up a lot of the Gabapentane. Managed to keep gloves on tonight but feet and lower legs are scratched red raw and my PJ bottoms are stuck to the wounds. It's going to be absolute murder changing them as it's going to rip wounds open when I attempt to take them off.

Stitches will hopefully come out today so I can see what scar is going to look like. Hope it makes me look hardcore so that no one will mess with me and small children will recoil in horror. Chuckle, chuckle. Bedside lamp bulb has gone which means writing's bit difficult so going to listen to Damien Rice's 'O' instead...

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