Thursday 12 April 2007

Saturday 9th December 2006

The reason I have taken photos is I think it would be v difficult to describe the appearance, plus you can see how they have got progressively worse. However, now I'm on IV antibiotics plus oral antibiotics and an increased dosage of Gabapentin, I'm scratching less and healing more.

Had my first Chemo session yesterday - went really well. Wendy, my Chemo nurse was really friendly and explained each and every step thoroughly. Previously, I had a bag of saline attached to my PICC line for about an hour. Then Wendy came in and removed the stitches from my PICC line, making it more comfy for me and easier for her to administer the drugs. I had an anti-nausea drug injected into the line, then another drug that made it feel as if I was sitting on a hedgehog, then another which looked like Tizer and made my pee turn bright red later in the day; and then another which had no effect. After this, a bag of Chemo drugs were hooked up and attached to a pump to push it through more quickly. Wendy informed me it would take about an hour to complete and that she'd return then. Was so whacked out on Gabapentin that I slept for the whole thing! Wendy then returned and unhooked everything and redressed my PICC line. If I want a bath or shower I have to wrap it in cling film and try to keep it out of water as much as poss.

Prof. Smith came in to see me in the afternoon. He said that the Chemo should stop the itching gradually over next 4-7 days and this is a sign that I'm responding to cross everything!!!

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