Thursday 12 April 2007

Thursday 7th December 2006

1.36pm: Had another bad night. Bandages on my legs were too tight, so asked nurse to take them off and then she placed a big pad/sheet under legs which I can't get stuck to. Just need to get the air to them.

Bad morning - SO fed up at not being able to walk or even stand. Pushed my table back, bowl of Rice Krispies fell onto floor and broke and that's when I broke. Floods of tears. First time I've cried about this I think.

Marilyn rang - Do I want to do Market Research re Cancer for a few quid? Said I would so waiting for call.

Rebecca rang. Told her news about my morning. Cried. Told her that my hair will fall out in 3-4 weeks, which is really distressing me. She's coming to visit on Sunday. She truly is a TRUE friend and travelling for a long time and paying for train tickets when she's not got the money.

Charlie rang. She may visit Tue as long as I don't feel poo by then.

Antonia and Lorna coming tonight. Be good to have friends visit. Last 2 nights have just had my parents here and I've got snappy towards them. Never spent so much time with them and although I feel guilty for getting bit fed up of them at times I think it's only natural.

Two new guys moved onto ward and my neighbours. Both have worst kind of cough you can imagine. Sounds like something prehistoric. Bet they were smokers. Should film them for anti-smoking ads. Writing this while eyes keep drooping. Absolutely knackered. Think I'll have a nap.

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