Thursday, 12 April 2007

Monday 11th December 2006

11.53am: Bloody hell...this Gabapentin is good stuff. Have spent most of weekend completely spaced out. Kept tripping. Had a vision that a male nurse was too big to fit through the door and so was easing through limb by limb. It's so dreaming when you're awake. 'Each time I blink I have a tiny dream.'

Back and bottom still itchy but left arm, legs and feet not itchy. Haven't scratched for past 3 nights. YES!

Getting to the toilet was lot easier this morn. Swung legs round and didn't need to put feet on chair first. Put feet straight on floor and nowhere near as painful. Have been able to go to loo, sit at sink and brush teeth and was face and get own clothes out and get changed on chair rather than bed.

Prof came round this morn. Seems pleased with my progress. Wants to gradually reduce Gabapentin (no point taking me straight off and itch returning) and keep an eye on me for next all bring well and good I should *Touch Wood* be out by next Monday and in my spangly new bedroom.

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