Thursday, 12 November 2009

Saturday 23rd Feb 2008

Registrar came round yesterday morning and said that when my antibiotics finish on Monday, i can go home. I'll need to take tablet antibios for a week and carry on with the GCSF injections but otherwise, apart from coming back 3 days a week for bloods, etc, it'll hopefully be OK.

Bored now. When you feel terrible (as I did on Sunday and Monday) then it's fine...but I feel well now so it's really fucking dull. Drawing, writing and listening to music is just about keeping me sane...just.

Dad bought in 'Make the most of your time on Earth' travel guide yesterday. Helps me think about all the places I want to go and how much I want to see (and photograph) when the ninjas have kicked this shit disease to pieces.

Canular was replaced last night, as the 72 hours it can stay in were up. Nurse who did it this time was so gentle...didn't feel a thing. Phew...was bricking it! Need to have another central line put in but Registrar wants the 3 holes I've got inbetween my boobs to heal over first. Think they're going to tranquilise me with Medazalan this's just too stressful!

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